Monday, January 11, 2010

A movie, games and a kiss that changed my heart forever!

The night Jonny and Bear came over to Lucina's after FHE for a movie and games changed my life. The couch was an L shaped couch and I was tucked in the corner. Lucina was on my left side and Jonny was on my right and Bear was at the end of the couch. We were watching Yours Mine and Ours. During the movie Jonny got up and sat in front of Lucina to get a back rub. So now it was me in the corner of the couch and Bear at the end of the couch. Bear got up and went to the bathroom and I stretched out my legs. Bear came back from the bathroom and sat down right back where he was. Just remember now my legs are stretched out but not touching Bear at all. We all watched the movie for a bit and then out of nowhere Bear laid his head down on my legs (kinda cuddling them). I was shocked and confused. Did this guy like me, is this guy always like this? This is what was running through my head. He stayed like that until the movie was done. But to my surprise when the movie was done and the lights came back on Bear did not move. Jonny was like we should play a game, the game we played was Loaded questions. Bear got up and got down on the floor to play the game and then he grabbed a pillow for me to sit on next to him. It was really sweet that he thought of that. Well we played the game and while we played Bear and I got closer and closer together. By the end of the game we were holding hands. But I was still thinking to myself does this guy like me, is this really happening? When the game was done he walked me to my car and said good by and gave me a hug which was sweet. I started to walk to my car when he pulled me back and kissed me. That kiss changed my heart!

Tuesday, January 5, 2010

It all began with one phone call

An Eternal Love Story! It all began April 29, 2006 with one phone call into work. I never call into work sick but this one Saturday I did not feel like going to work and dealing with people. My friend Lucina called and wanted to know if I wanted to go to a movie with her and Holly and two other boys. I said yes because I just need a day of fun and no pressure. We went to the movies and then to Applebee's for dinner, I was having a great time laughing and being in the company of great friends. I thought to myself that this was just what I need in my life. That is when Lucina's phone rang it was Jonny, a boy I kinda liked. Jonny said that he had just picked up Bear who just had moved home from Utah and wanted to meet us at Applebee's. Lucina had talked about him once or twice before and turns out that I went to school with Bears brother and sister but never knew him. I was sitting next to the window when Jonny pulled up to Applebee's, Bear got out of the car and my heart skipped a beat. We really did not talk that much that night, but Monday night after FHE Bear and Jonny came over to Lucina's for a movie and games. That is the night my life changed forever.